Thursday, November 7, 2019

Crime Data Comparison Essay Example

Crime Data Comparison Essay Example Crime Data Comparison Essay Crime Data Comparison Essay There are many different crimes that are reported daily and some crimes that are not reported at all. Without the proper reporting of crimes, it is hard for anyone to actually put together a data form to show all the proper crimes. In this paper, the individual will choose the crime forcible rape within the metropolitan areas of Abilene, Texas and Akron, Ohio. The individual will compare the occurrence of that offense in the selected areas, and identify the number of occurrences of the crime chosen that was known to the police for each area. This paper will also include answers to the following questions: 1) Which area had more reported incidents, 2) What were the rates of the crime for each area, 3) Did the rates change over time in either area, and 4) What factors might explain the difference in the rates? Forcible Rape The two metropolitan areas chosen were Abilene, TX and Akron, OH. In 2008, the Abilene’s population was 159,257 and only 95 forcible rapes were reported. This then gave the rate of the charge to be 59. 7 per every 100,000 inhabitants. By 2009, all the information had changed due to being a year later. Reports showed that in 2009, Abilene’s population was 159,632, only 357 people difference. The forcible rapes that had been reported were up to 134 with the rate being 83. 9 per every 100,000 inhabitants. As for Akron, in 2008 the population of that town was 699,914 and had reports showed that 265 people reported forcible rape. The rate per every 100,000 inhabitants were then at 40. 3. By 2009, Akron’s population was larger by 1,018 people, making the population to be 700,932. The reported forcible rapes for 2009 were then at 298 and the rate at 44. 4 for every 100,000 inhabitants. Rates are going to change over a period of time based on different factors. The different factors to be looked at are the towns and states at which this crime is being committed as well as the factor of the number of people living in that area. When the population increases, the number of crimes that are committed are going to be committed because you never know who is going to commit a crime. Crimes can come out of nowhere and of course who is committing the crimes. Bigger cities seem to have the most crimes due to the fact that there are more people to scan through to find the criminal. Then there is the factor of how many criminals are living in the area. Not all criminals are accounted for and are hard to determine who is one when they have never been convicted. In conclusion, when you are in a big town, everyone has to be careful as to what they do because you never know when you are going to run into someone or even if they could be the next victim of a crime. In order to keep criminals off of the street and from continuing to do crimes, is to report them to the proper law enforcers as soon as possible. This way proper evidence can be found and judgment can be made. When crimes are not reported right away, evidence that can be used to help find the criminal can be washed away and no longer able to find the criminal. Reference: Federal Bureau of Investigations. (2010). Uniform Crime Reports. Retrieved from fbi. gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/ucr

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