Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Art of Technology essays

The Art of Technology essays hello, today ime going to give you a short presentation on the subject of computers. computers consist of three main components, a hard disk, a basic input output system, more comonly known as a bios, and some random access memory, more comonly termed as RAM. a hard disk or hard drive is what all your documents and files are saved on to when you save them, example when you are writing a word document and decide to save it the document is saved on to the hard disk ready for you to retrieve later, there is much more i could tell you about hard drives but there is not much time. a bios is the chip inside your computer that controlls all your inputs and outputs, example, when you first set up your computer you have to conect your mouse, this mouse is plugged into your computer via a port, when you conect your mouse your bios scans your ports for new hardware, in this case the mouse, and then send a message to your computer telling it to install the mouse, and that is how your bios works. your RAM is a type of memory that is Randomly accessed when you open a file or document, it is called random access memory bec ause your computer allocates a random slice of RAM to a file when you access it, if you have sixty four megabytes of ram inside your computer then you can open sixty four megabytes of data at anyone time, example when you open a document say that document is four megabytes then when you open it four megabytes of RAM is taken up and you can open only sixty more megabytes of data, when you close a file the RAM it took up is wiped clean for you to use again. so that is the basics of computers i hope you enjoyed it. ...

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