Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Homelessness, By John Grisham Essay - 1800 Words

In the landscape of today’s forever changing social environment, one thing there is without a doubt no lack of is controversial contemporary social issues. There are many topics that are considered to be taboo and one thing that has changed is that there is no lack of those that are willing to voice and share their beliefs and ideals on these controversial social topics. One of these topics that has received quite the spotlight recently is that of the levels of poverty and homelessness that plague our social infrastructure today. There are many different thoughts and ideals as to what is the major root cause of this systemic social issues. In Somewhere for Everyone the author John Grisham does not hold back on a very pungent social topic which is that of homelessness. In this story as well as other recent articles about homelessness there are many valid points and concerns for what the future of society may hold if there are no changes in how homelessness is not only viewed but is also looked at to change. In the article published in Newsweek back in February 9, 1998 John Grisham paints a very vivid and thought provoking article about the increasing issue of homelessness in the United States and how action must be taken or this issue will continue to escalate in dramatic fashion. The beginning of the article starts by reliving a time that John Grisham was harassed by a panhandler and how this made him feel. The article then discusses how this was somewhat of a chic issueShow MoreRelatedSomewhere For Everyone By John Grisham Essay1592 Words   |  7 PagesJohn Grisham â€Å"Somewhere for Everyone†: The Homeless issue in America Homelessness is referred to a person or a group of people without a permanent residence. 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