Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Adoption Of The United States Essay - 1943 Words

Many children around the world don t have a mother or father, or even a home. There are at least 140,000 orphans across the globe. About ten percent of all children are found working as child laborers. One out of every eleven kids under the age of five is not in elementary school, and almost three million children die every year from a lack of nutrition. The best way to get these children out of these situations is to change their lives through adoption, donation, or fostering. Adoption in different countries can be drastically different from each other. If you re deciding to adopt from Africa, there are certain conditions you must follow. If you want to adopt from Africa, you have to be approved by the U.S. government. Before adopting in Ghana, you must love there for at least three months. By doing this, the prospective parents can see what life is like in Ghana, and will help them to better understand their future child. A waiver may be placed by the parents and passed by the cour t if the child s best interest is met through this. You must be at least twenty-one years older than the child you wish to adopt, and at least twenty-five years old. Bottom line is, you re best bet is to be older in order to adopt from Africa. When couples are searching for their future child, they must be a heterosexual couple. You can not adopt from Ghana if you are a homosexual couple. Single people may adopt from Ghana also, but only if they are a Ghana citizen. Single males can notShow MoreRelatedThe Adoption Of The United States1310 Words   |  6 Pages Before the 1970’s adoption between race was not popular. Then suddenly there was a shortage of Caucasian babies and parents trying to adopt had to look elsewhere. 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